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Transition to Digital Sustainability and leave manual processes behind

Break free from manual tasks and rethink sustainability with AI and Process Automation.

Unlock Efficiency

Simplify your workflow with our Digital Solutions

Data Discovery Solution and Carbon Management Platform.

Automate Repetitive Processes with Proven Computerized Logics

• Say goodbye to time-consuming tasks like formatting, aggregating, grouping, transforming, and calculating.
• Automate repetitive processes based on proven computerized logics, freeing you from messy work methodologies and potential disruptions caused by employee turnover.

Save Time, Focus on Value

• Reclaim your precious time and redirect it towards more valuable or monetizable activities.
• Let automation handle the mundane tasks while you focus on what truly matters, whether it's advancing your career, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing personal passions.

All-in-One Solution, Seamless Integration

• Enjoy the convenience of a single tool that caters to all your data needs. • Seamlessly connect directly to data sources without the need for intermediaries. • Support for various file formats including Excel, CSV, PDF, and APIs for integration with your existing systems.

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Collecting Data

Integration of multiple data sources from various stakeholders like Plant Managers, Accounting Officers, and more, such as:
• Fleet card Excel records
• Electricity bill PDFs
• Scope-3 data in ERP systems
• Power consumption data from IoT sensors
• APIs from existing systems

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Transforming Data

Transform non-digital data sources of existing manual processes with advanced technologies by utilizing computerized logics, data automation, or AI to convert data into digital formats.

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ESG Data Calculation Platform

Support Carbon Calculation and ESG reporting and disclosure, adhering to National and International standards: TGO, ISO14064, GRI, IFRS, SASB, TCFD. Also, calculate carbon emissions based on the GHG Protocol and support decarbonization strategies and net-zero strategies.

We're passionate about what we do: Join the Sustainability Movement

Transform challenges into business opportunities

At MFEC, we're passionate about driving sustainable practices. We see sustainability as a strategic advantage for your business, rather than viewing it as a cost.

Prepare your business for future regulations, meet the demands of stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, and investors, and access potential grants and support from the banking and financial sectors. Sustainability isn't just about compliance; it's about innovation and growth.

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